Earn beyond your linked items!

Driving traffic to specific items from your site is a great start, but you can also earn commissions on other eBay purchases. Don’t forget to include links to daily commissionable deals and regional promotions.

Commissionable Deals


To find commissionable deals in real time, we recommend you use the Deal Flag feature of the Smart Share browser extension. To see which deals are commissionable, you need to turn on the Deal Flag in your extension settings. After you enable Deal Flag, you can scroll through the eBay Deals pages in either the US or Canada, and any commissionable items will include a green star and the word Commissionable in the bottom left corner. 


To benefit from these deals, which always ship for free, use any of the tools outlined in Creating Affiliate Links.


All the items in our daily deals are covered by our Money Back Guarantee, which protects your users and ensures they receive exactly what they want - or their money back.


Exclusive events and promotions


We provide our partners with the scoop on the best deals, promotions, and trends all over the globe.

To benefit from these offers, use any of the tools outlined in Creating Affiliate Links.


United States


To find commissionable deals in real time, we recommend you use the Deal Flag feature of the Smart Share browser extension.


United Kingdom


















To find commissionable deals in real time, we recommend you use the Deal Flag feature of the Smart Share browser extension.

Additional Resources